Welcome to
Clear Fork Honey

Sweet goodness from Tennessee

honey jar with honey comb

After a lifelong interest and occasionally working around bees finally, we made the jump and started our own Apiary. Little did we know of the interests in our work and the community needs we would fill.

      It all started with research. We Identified the type of bees and the Style of Hive and then we built and purchased our way into beekeeping. Now we build  our hives, raise our own queens and colonies and sell them to the surrounding communities.

Where we have been

I have worked in permaculture and organic farming since 2007 in AL, FL, NC, MO and CO.

My work is still ongoing in permaculture our desire to increase our core production locally and paved the way for Clear Fork Honey CO. To find a place in our hearts and become part of our work.


Bee populations declined by 48%  by the spring of 2023


Over 80% of fruit and nuts consumed in America and around the world depend on bees for pollination.


 Bees are 100% vital to us all. Their importance cannot be overstated.

Our story

With these goals, we began our Apiary in the spring of 2022. We started with 4 hives and tested our styles and engagement levels to find the right balance with the Bees and their needs here on the Cumberland Plateau of TN. We tested both Langstroth and Layens hives to see which the Bees like better and where did we have the most Honey and Best Bee Health.
      We have taken a slower approach to beekeeping and make sure the bees have what they need to grow and remain unstressed. We save extra honey and feed our bees in the early spring if they run out of their own. We try to leave every hive with 30 lbs+ of honey to meet their needs and not just feed them sugar water. I believe this is part of the problem with beekeeping and leads to weak hives and poor genetics.
      Our apiary is growing from 4 colonies in the spring of 2022 to a total summer count of 18 colonies in 2023. All producing honey and we are on track to have 75-100 colonies by the spring of 2024. Our goal is to be able to manage 200 colonies by 2025 and produce 10,000 lbs of honey per season. We look forward to serving you and your taste-buds this fall. Our 2022 crop sold out fast and we are taking orders now for September/October 2023 Clear Fork Honey and Apriay's goal is to be able to start pollinating services to farms in TN in the spring of 2024.
  With the dismal losses of many beekeepers in 2023 due to the weather, pesticides, and pollution, almost half the bees used for pollinating were lost. These losses need to be realized as a notice that the way keepers are raising and using their bees needs to change.
We Promise to always
1) Keep it clean no chemical treatments
2) offer only 100% Pure honey, no additives
3) Natural "not feeding the bees sugar water and pollen packets to make honey products"
4) Organic we do not spray harmful or risky chemicals on our lands.
5) Sustainable we use trees from our land and cut as much wood as possible to make our hives.
6) Provide the best service we can to the consumer or Farm we serve.
7) Pass on the knowledge to the next generation with programs and mentorships with future beekeepers.
8) Breed the best bees we can and strive for better genetics in our hives

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